Thought for the week: Our real friends are real people, made in the image of God

​Even though it is just over a month since Christmas, it has virtually faded from our memory, and been replaced with the more mundane things of everyday life.
​Rev Dr Norman Hamilton OBE, Presbyterian Church​Rev Dr Norman Hamilton OBE, Presbyterian Church
​Rev Dr Norman Hamilton OBE, Presbyterian Church

​However, in the past few weeks I have been re-reading the handwritten notes (and printed letters!) that came with both the physical and email Christmas cards I received back in December.

This has rather forced me to think about just how important the writers and their families really are to me. With some friends, this is the only contact of the year. With others, there is occasional contact and, of course, with some I am in regular touch.

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Proverbs 17 makes this challenging observation: 'A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity'.

This Biblical understanding of being a really good friend has been completely demolished by today’s social media. You can become a ‘friend’ or delete someone as a ‘friend’ at the click of a button on your phone or computer. Friends can be treated like an old pair of trousers or an old phone – simply disposable! Frankly, I find this appalling.

Real friends are real people, made in the image of God, and precious to him. So, their well-being - physical, mental, spiritual, really ought to be a matter of ongoing interest to us if we claim to love the Lord. So, is it good enough for me as a Christian, to limit my contact to an annual Christmas card or an occasional text? Broadly speaking, I think not.

I often recall the advice of a colleague who said: "Norman, always keep your friendships in good repair". Not always easy to do, for friendships can become strained. Yet to seek God’s grace and help to nurture troubled relationships is always so worthwhile. After all, "A friend loves at all times". Not just occasionally or when things are straightforward or easy.

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In trying to reconnect properly with those ‘Christmas only’ friends, I’m getting in touch with some of them again – and also making a determined effort to meet up over coffee or a meal. Doing that is going to be a bit ‘inconvenient’ in some cases, but seems eminently worthwhile.

Underlying my thinking is the Biblical precept to try to love others as a response to Christ’s love for me. To try to give some pastoral care where I can and where it is needed; to reassure some others that in their loneliness or distress, there are some Christian friends who care about them; and to encourage those for whom their daily work is particularly challenging or demoralising;

Might I specifically urge you too to reflect on those with whom you were in contact over Christmas. To ask yourself if there are any who might be blessed by your being in contact with them again right now. Then just do it – and see what the Lord brings your way as a result. You might be in for a few happy surprises!