Jim Wells: The next step will be to force clergymen on same-sex marriage

Jim WellsJim Wells
Jim Wells
A prominent opponent of same-sex marriage has warned that “LGBT militants” could try and force clergy to carry out or facilitate same-sex marriages.

South Down MLA Jim Wells, a veteran member of the DUP who lost the party whip two years ago, encouraged people to “remain vigilant” about the possibility.

Speaking ahead of a change in the law today which permits religious same-sex marriages in Northern Ireland, Mr Wells said: “I am totally opposed to same-sex marriage.

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“I don’t even believe they are marriages because I believe marriage is between one man and one woman, period, no questions asked.

“These ‘events’ or ‘ceremonies’ will likely only be carried out in less than one per cent of all churches in Northern Ireland.”

He continued: “All we can do is remain very, very vigilant. I suspect the next step from the militant LGBT folk will be to try and force churches to try and do things which they totally oppose.

“The LGBT militants as I call them — remember they stated that all they wanted was civil partnerships but the ink was hardly dry on the legislation to allow civil partnerships than they had begun to campaign for same sex marriage.

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“In England the ink wasn’t dry when they got same-sex marriage when there were judicial reviews to try and force churches into having ceremonies. Fortunately, that judicial review was lost, but it shows the intent to undermine a fundamental principle of Christian faith — that marriage is a lifetime commitment between one man and one woman for mutual love, respect and the rearing of children.”

The South Down MLA added: “It is absolutely vital that the law is concrete on this.”