Calls for Health Minister Robin Swann to make Covid-19 tests available for all in NI

A test sample being taken for Covid-19A test sample being taken for Covid-19
A test sample being taken for Covid-19
Adequate tests for COVID-19 must be made available, Sinn Féin MLA Colm Gildernew has said.

Calling on Health Minister Robin Swann to ensure that people can access COVID-19 testing and that adequate amounts of home testing kits are made available, Mr Gildernew said: “There is a rising concern over the chronic lack of home testing kits available to people in the north.

“There have been numerous reports of people unable to travel to a testing facility after being told there were no more home testing kits available

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“We also have the bizarre situation where people are now being told they have to travel to Scotland to access testing.

“Given the sharp rise in cases, this is deeply concerning. Testing capacity needs to be ramped up rather than delayed”.

The Sinn Fein Health spokesman added that Mr Swann “must also ensure that adequate volumes of home testing kits are available to tackle the virus and realise the extent of the spread”.

“This cannot be left to a lottery,” he added.