Parents warned their children could be playing in dangerous life-threatening business yards

PSNI North Coast Facebook postPSNI North Coast Facebook post
PSNI North Coast Facebook post
Police are appealing for parents to make sure they know where their children are playing - after reports from local business of kids (some believed to be as young as ten) climbing perimeter fences, entering loading bays and crossing busy yards where heavy vehicles.

The reports were made from business owners in Kilrea and Garvagh in Co Antrim and Co Londonderry.

The reports made to police included that some children have been opening various outside stores containing cleaning and abrasive chemicals.

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"This is incredibly wreckless and dangerous, (and as per usual we are not laying blame on the majority of kids but there are a few that need to catch themselves on," adds the post on PSNI North Coast.

"To parents we would you know where your children are after school and over the weekend?," it adds.

"To those kids we would say.... there are loads of horse chestnut trees in public places untouched,theres a game called 'Conkers', google it or ask your folks, but however you decide to spend your free time stay out of business premises, if we find you there your guaranteed a lift home."