We need to reform a world that rewards wealth, not hard work

Jim Clarken, chief executive of Oxfam Ireland
, at an event in the Ulster Hall in 2012 on ending poverty.

Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press EyeJim Clarken, chief executive of Oxfam Ireland
, at an event in the Ulster Hall in 2012 on ending poverty.

Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye
Jim Clarken, chief executive of Oxfam Ireland , at an event in the Ulster Hall in 2012 on ending poverty. Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye
Here's something we're rarely told growing up: our world rewards wealth, not hard work or talent.

A world where 82 percent of the wealth created last year went to the richest one percent of the population. Meanwhile, the 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw no increase in their wealth last year.

Corporations are driving down wages and working conditions across the globe to maximize returns for their shareholders. They use their power and influence to ensure the rules align with their interests – no matter the cost.

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