The Lord's abhorrence of this sin is clear in the Bible

The BibleThe Bible
The Bible
If I could make a few remarks on Colin Flinn's letter, ('˜Gay couples should be able to marry,' May 1), he like others who support this sick notion seem to always quote the book of Leviticus, which in actual fact just shows their complete ignorance of what the Word of God actually says on the subject of sodomy.

I will quote just two scriptures out of many which could be used.

The condemnation is first shown by the Lord’s abhorrence of this sin, when in Genesis 19, we read how the Lord cast the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the cities of the plain into Hell for this horrible sin!

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Turning to the Epistle of Jude 7, we see the citizens of those cities as, “suffering the vengeance of eternal fire,” for this sin.

We should note the word “suffering” is in the present tense, so that, when those people were cast into Hell in Genesis, they were suffering the wrath of God; when the epistle of Jude was written they were suffering, and as we read the same epistle today they are suffering, and will do for eternity.

Rather than Colin quoting what sinful earthly governments say, may I suggest he hears a “thus saith the Lord.”

Christians must be continually praying for these people, if perhaps God the Holy Ghost would convince them of sin, especially this sin of sodomy, which they seem to glory in; and that they would flee from the wrath to come, for assuredly God is not mocked!

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Surely the false prophets in the pulpits are as much to blame for the spread of this contagion, since they either seem to agree with it, or disbelieve the Word of God, may the Lord have mercy on them also.

David Burrows, Dungannon