Terror requires an apology

Terrorists abused the freedoms won by the sacrifices of the Somme deadTerrorists abused the freedoms won by the sacrifices of the Somme dead
Terrorists abused the freedoms won by the sacrifices of the Somme dead
The sad and glorious history of the sacrifice of many for freedom in two world wars cannot be measured.

Our Lord said “greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friend”.

It is regrettable that some in modern history decided to become enemies and support a campaign of death against our UK soldiers and security forces.

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Unionists overlooked the need to prevent those with criminal, terrorist records from entering ministerial posts.

All the handshaking, meet and greet, grins do not replace an open admission by the sponsors of terrorism that the bloody onslaught was wrong and requires a genuine apology.

Disgusting to think they used the freedom bought at the Somme to kill innocent citizens.

David Barbour, Coleraine

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