Stormont’s guidance for overseas travel makes a nonsense of the air bridges, and needs to be updated urgently

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
The Stormont executive, despite (of course) the wish of Sinn Fein, sensibly adopted London’s air bridge plan.

This was an effort to re-establish travel and tourism between the UK and various other countries, on the basis of mutual agreement and mutual risk.

It suited those nations that want British and Irish tourism and it suited those tourists from Britain and Ireland who want to go to the sun. While it is not perfectly safe to travel anywhere, either overseas or at home (whether you live in the Republic of Ireland or UK), the plan was an attempt to ensure that such travel happened when it was largely safe to do so.

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So what was Stormont thinking of when it did not update its travel guidance? People from Northern Ireland are supposed to travel only if it is essential.

This makes a nonsense of the air bridge policy. Who on Earth thinks that the flights that now depart from Belfast to Spanish resorts, for example, are mainly catering to business or essential travel? That was not the main purpose behind opening air bridges during the summer season.

It was in large part to try to retrieve holidays for families who are prepared to take the risk, and who have spent a lot of money on their holidays, and to help the tourism industries (at both ends of the air bridge).

That is why the destination countries are explaining to tourists what they can and cannot do when they arrive.

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Any family jetting off now should not feel guilty due to incompetence or paralysis at Stormont.

Yet how could there not be paralysis at Stormont?

Sinn Fein has used the entire Covid crisis to pursue an all island agenda above all else. Now, Michelle O’Neill, who was at the helm of the Bobby Storey IRA funeral scandal, is saying travel from London should be made hard (via quarantine).

More de-stabilising talk from a party that is no position to moralise. We trust the other parties will isolate them on that policy and will also urgently revise foreign travel guidance.

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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Alistair Bushe
