Stormont needs robust disciplines for 2017

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
As a long term optimist, I still think that our NI Assembly could work, despite many of my friends saying it should be wrapped up, because of incompetence, immaturity, and possibly worse.

The various iterations of the Assembly have had nearly two decades to learn to govern sensibly and effectively!

My private sector friends ask why are people not being sacked for such gross incompetence as we have recently seen?

This of course is not new.

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We have seen it in past few years ago regarding other contracts.

The sanction which seems to be used against those held responsible is “suspension on full pay”, which goes on for months, or indeed nothing at all.

So the taxpayer pays three times, for this management abdication, the mistakes of that management, and the “rip off” resulting from this incompetence.

How about 2017 being the year when the Assembly introduces some robust political and managerial disciplines, and achieves some tangible results, with clearly laid out goals and timetables with accompanying responsibility for delivering those results.

Northern Ireland needs practical, non sectarian delivery of projects for the common good of every one.

Tom Ekin, Belfast