Slovenia result shows why UK should stay firm in Brexit talks

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Morning View
It is fashionable to sneer at Britain and its handling of the Brexit talks.

There is no doubt that the UK has been uncertain as to exactly what it wants, but this is hardly surprising: Theresa May’s negotiating hand was almost fatally undermined by last year’s general election disaster.

Her Conservative government, propped up by the DUP, could yet implode, such is the split between its Remain and Brexit factions, allied to its lack of a parliamentary majority.

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But whatever the shortcomings of London’s approach to the intensive discussions on the future UK-EU relationship, Brussels has been behaving in an almost hubristic manner.

The EU has good reason to try to make things difficult for Britain. After all, if exiting the EU was easy and led to the UK flourishing then other countries would be tempted to follow.

But there are powerful reasons why London should be equally tough in the talks, and make it clear that it is prepared to walk away without a deal, regardless of short term trauma.

The very factors that led to Brexit are being replicated across the continent. Anti immigrant feeling is present in all the major countries in a way that was almost unthinkable a decade ago. Elite and privileged people, who don’t have to worry about job security and who sneer at national pride, dismissed as racist concerns about the huge influx of migrants, across the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

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Now, in addition to the success of hard right parties in Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary Sweden and elsewhere, a right wing party has come top in the Slovenian parliamentary election.

Will EU leaders learn from this? Or will they, just as before, scold and sneer and press ahead with strengthening supra-national institutions and their belief that what the population of the continent needs is more Europe.

The UK will soon be by far the wealthiest nation in Europe that is outside a dysfunctional EU. It should hold its nerve at this critical time, regardless of EU bullying.