Sinn Fein putting NI's health at risk

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I agree with Izzy Whyte ('˜SF must accept its blame for NHS ills', December 4) that Sinn Fein must accept much of the blame for the disgraceful state of our so-called health service.

I am sure that Ms Whyte’s ire is music to Sinn Fein’s ears as they are clearly embarked on a strategy of wrecking and destruction of our infrastructure.

The DUP must also accept its major portion of the blame as the party persists in trying to coax into government those who will sacrifice even the health of our people to achieve their ultimate aim.

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It is high time that the DUP declared Sinn Fein to be out of the picture and pursue voluntary coalition with others of integrity.

Do Arlene Foster and her party members really believe that Northern Ireland has anything to gain by having Sinn Fein in any position of power?

Now is the time for a resolute stand before the party loses its clout at Westminster.

Cliff Cardwell, Co Londonderry