Nonsense about the Alliance Party

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
I would like the opportunity to respond to comments made in a recent letter from John Mulholland ('˜Alliance voting with SF-IRA on language,' May 9).

In his letter Mr Mulholland chooses to ignore basic facts in order to attack the Alliance Party.

His comment that our offices are in predominately unionist areas is nonsense. We place our offices where they are most accessible to the people who elect us and for whom we provide full representation, irrespective of their background.

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Mr Mulholland obviously didn’t read my previously published letter or he would not have claimed that Alliance voted “..with Sinn Féin/IRA” regarding our support for the Irish language.

History shows that Irish Presbyterians played a vital role in nurturing the language through daily use. Today, people of all faiths and none, people from all political backgrounds and none recognise the beauty and vibrancy of the Irish language. The language belongs to us all and no-one should fear it.

Mr Mulholland also suggests our support for the Irish language would endanger the Union. I am happy to repeat that Alliance believes that there can be no change to Northern Ireland’s position within the UK unless the majority of the people here vote for a change.

Councillor Michael Long, Belfast