Nigel Dodds and Kate Hoey will now return to Parliament, as much needed voices for Northern Ireland

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
The elevation of Nigel Dodds and Kate Hoey to the House of Lords is wonderful news.

They are two giants of local politics, respected on both sides of the Irish Sea, after decades of holding elected office.

Mr Dodds was elected to Belfast City Council in his 20s, not long after he had graduated from Cambridge University, and had become Lord Mayor before he reached 30.

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He is one of only a handful of people to have held that post as well as been both a Stormont minister and an MP.

In the latter role, for North Belfast, he became a key Northern Ireland ambassador, respected by Tories for his intellect, experience and low-key style. The loss of his seat to John Finucane was a grim moment in NI politics.

By the end of the last parliament, the DUP deputy leader was one of the most influential figures in Parliament. His elevation to the Lords is a natural move, as is Kate Hoey’s.

One of Northern Ireland’s most unceasing advocates, the Co Antrim born Ms Hoey is similarly admired across the political spectrum, from leading figures in the Labour Party that she served so long (as Vauxhall MP for 30 years) to Conservatives including Boris Johnson. A former Sports minister, she has wide sets of experience.

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At this crucial time when Northern Ireland must not be left behind as a second tier part of the UK, Nigel Dodds and Kate Hoey will join a raft of important unionist peers including Lords Morrow, McCrea, Empey, Trimble and Bew.

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