Mike Nesbitt: We want to hear your views on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland

Mike Nesbitt, an Ulster Unionist MLA for Strangford, is the deputy chairperson of the NI Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of RightsMike Nesbitt, an Ulster Unionist MLA for Strangford, is the deputy chairperson of the NI Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights
Mike Nesbitt, an Ulster Unionist MLA for Strangford, is the deputy chairperson of the NI Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights
Our Ad Hoc Committee was established last year to consider the creation of a Bill of Rights.

Since then, we have received briefings and evidence from human rights experts from Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Ireland and other countries across the globe.

However, we also need to hear from you, the public, and find out how you feel about the creation of a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland.

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Our aim in this public consultation is to give everyone in Northern Ireland a say on whether there should be a Bill of Rights and what rights and protections it should include.

Many rights are currently covered as part of the European Convention on Human Rights, but there has been much discussion as to whether we need a specific bill for Northern Ireland, to take account of our particular local circumstances.

If so, what are they?

One issue that we have been looking at is whether our rights will be affected upon leaving the European Union and whether this should be reflected in a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland.

Would it be useful if you were made aware of what impact, if any, leaving the EU would have on your rights?

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This is your chance to have your say on the rights that matter to you.

Visit the online consultation survey: http://nia1.me/4c7

All contributions to the consultation will remain confidential and will contribute to the committee’s report to the assembly.

The consultation closes on Friday January 29, 2021.

There are also paper copies of the survey available or you can complete it via phone.

To arrange, please contact the Assembly Engagement Office on [email protected] or 02890 521169.

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l Mike Nesbitt, an Ulster Unionist MLA for Strangford, is the deputy chairperson of the NI Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

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