We Greens have voted against the Tribeca development in central Belfast because the city needs regeneration, not gentrification

The Tribeca proposal is a major development plan for the centre of Belfast, towards the Cathedral Quarter and St Anne's CathedralThe Tribeca proposal is a major development plan for the centre of Belfast, towards the Cathedral Quarter and St Anne's Cathedral
The Tribeca proposal is a major development plan for the centre of Belfast, towards the Cathedral Quarter and St Anne's Cathedral
Last evening at a Belfast City Council Planning Committee meeting I voted against this Tribeca Development in the Cathedral Quarter alongside my fellow Green councillor Mal O’Hara because we do not believe that it represented sustainable planning.

I’ve listened to the proposals and considered my position very carefully.

It is unusual for a Planning Committee member to be so vocal in opposition to a project, but It would be unconscionable for me to stay quiet on a something which frustrates the urgent need to build back better across Belfast.

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Belfast City Council must drive regeneration not gentrification. The needs of our communities must take precedence over the desires of developers.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

This development erodes the character of the area, demolishing buildings and offering no protection for the distinct identity, character and sense of place. We have lost so much of our built heritage in this city and I firmly believe that we must do much, much better to protect it.

The proposed development also erodes public open space — limited enough in Belfast.

It’s imperative that we protect and enhance our open public space, not sell it off. We have lost Writers Square as we know it and the impact of this will be huge across all the activists, artists and all the people that make Belfast.

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I support the aim of having more people living in our city centre, but I’m deeply concerned at the quality of accommodation that has been approved here. People need liveable and long-term homes that are fit-for-purpose.

I am working to foster healthier, happier communities across our city and I don’t believe that this proposal appropriately fulfilled that aim.

Aíne Groogan, Green Party Councillor, Belfast

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