The Ulster Unionist Party was right to criticise the DUP over the Northern Ireland Protocol yet the UUP’s own stance on the Irish Sea border is disappointing

The Ulster Unionist Party, led by Doug Beattie, in their response to the Northern Ireland Protocol have missed their opportunity to make strides at replacing the DUPThe Ulster Unionist Party, led by Doug Beattie, in their response to the Northern Ireland Protocol have missed their opportunity to make strides at replacing the DUP
The Ulster Unionist Party, led by Doug Beattie, in their response to the Northern Ireland Protocol have missed their opportunity to make strides at replacing the DUP
A letter from John Mulholland:

I would agree with most of Reg Empey was reported as saying in the News Letter last week (‘DUP leading us out of Protocol? They led us in!’ Sep 7) attacking the DUP in its attempt to get rid of the Northern Ireland Protocol after the mess they have helped to create.

I was waiting with some hope that the Ulster Unionist Party would bring forward a plan to remove the protocol and show up the lack of leadership from the DUP on the matter.

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How disappointing the UUP response has been and shows up the reluctance to take the appropriate action needed to remove this vile, undemocratic border in the Irish Sea.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

To want to discuss the protocol with a nation that did little to stop the IRA when they harboured their members, protecting them from being brought to justice, and that continues to antagonise unionists along with the EU in its demand for a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, is pathetic.

I have come to the conclusion that there is little hope of unionist politicians resigning their seats either in the House of Commons or at Stormont no matter what Sir Jeffrey says.

I had a look on the parliament website at expenses that MPs are allowed to claim. One unionist MP from February 1 2020 to January 31 2021 claimed nearly a quarter of a million pounds in expenses and others around £200,000.

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David Trimble has warned of violence if the protocol is not removed. I can tell you one thing: the violence will not be caused by the well-off unionists (some of whom backed a protocol). Many live in the lap of luxury and drive around in their big cars and live in their big houses and large country mansions.

The latest response from the DUP to the protocol is something that should have happened a long time ago.

I am glad to see the DUP have realised the notion that the protocol gave Northern Ireland the best of both worlds was false. I read of this being said by a DUP minister at one stage!

There is little doubt that the DUP has been led a merry dance when it comes to the protocol — much of which was their own doing. Their latest response will be benchmarked bit by bit by the unionist people.

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The DUP know that if they fail to deliver, they will be finished as the main party representatives of the unionist people.

The sad thing is that the UUP have missed their opportunity to make strides at replacing them by their latest proposal.

It was a disappointing wait for them to come up with outdated proposals.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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A message from the Editor:

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