Unionist politicians need to pull themselvse away from the lure of money and do what is right by their country

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Alex Kane’s article (July 13), admitting that the Belfast Agreement will never deliver good government in Northern Ireland was galling coming from someone who championed it.

(His article can be read here: Unionism needs a strategy because this is the endgame,’ July 13)

Alex said he did not regret voting yes in the referendum; this is typical of those unionists who, having promoted the agreement, cannot bring themselves to admit that unionism was sold a pup.

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Sinn Fein/IRA and nationalists have milked it for all it is worth (Brexit), and not one of those unionists who recommended a yes vote in the Belfast Agreement have challenged it or apologised to the unionist people for the way it has turned out.

The DUP agreements since have not improved the situation and in the New Approach/New Decade Agreement, it has gone from bad to worse.

Can some unionist politicians pull themselves away from the lure of money and do the right thing in ending the shambles that is running our country?

The British government has been unhelpful to the unionist cause, putting a border in the Irish Sea — not to mention the On The Run letters and failure to challenge Dublin on its lack of support in the fight against the IRA as it murdered people in Northern Ireland.

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There has been no call to investigate the alleged collusion by the Republic authorities.

Unionists are being led by the nose to capitulate to republican wishes. Look at the breaking the three stand arrangement, the legacy plans, the hypocrisy at republican funerals, having a joint first minister friendly with IRA leaders.

Like the RHI scandal, it is unlikely anyone will face discipline for breaches at the funerals. These people are a law unto themselves.

Where I agree with Alex is that unionists need to come up with answers soon, or they could end up being outwitted completely by republicans.

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We also need those who care about the Union to stop burying their heads hoping that things will just work out! We need to put pressure on unionist politicians not to keep surrendering to SF/IRA. Mandatory coalition with a party hell-bent on destroying Northern Ireland is not an option.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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