Unionist concern about flag error shows they are are insecure in their nationality

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I wish to respond to two statements made on the opinion page on Saturday (page 11).

Firstly the ‘star tweet’ attributed to Kate Hoey, criticising the BBC and its use of the Tricolour to represent Northern Ireland in a breakfast news programme.

My opinion is that anyone who complains about the above must be very insecure in their nationality, especially those DUP members who got of bed early to tweet, email about it, etc.

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I feel sorry for them being so immature and insecure and in their identity.

As for myself, I definitely do not need a bit of coloured cloth or paper to confirm to me I am Irish.

As for Ben Lowry’s article re British weakness in the face of Irish government criticism of them reneging on legacy (UK and unionist weakness and apathy on legacy has emboldened Ireland), he is way off the mark.

With regard to the Stormont House Agreement on how to deal with the legacy of the Troubles, the clue is in the name, ie agreement (agreed).

Peter McEvoy, Banbridge

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