The pro life cause is vilified now but it will be on the right side of history

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Father John McCallion:

Dr JT Hardy expresses a concern that will gradually become reality (‘Restrictions on protests against abortion could be introduced in Northern Ireland,’ May 8, see link below), where the freedom to offend will be taken away, as he alluded to with the arrest of a protestor out side an abortion clinic.

The question of the use of images that show the results of this vile procedure is a valid one; however, when viewed in the context of history there has been a precedent.

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The liberation of the concentration camps and the solemn commentary by the late Richard Dimbleby at Belsen still has the power to move even after the passage of over 80 years. Even generals Eisenhower, Bradley and Patton took time to view and demand that the local neighbourhood be forced to do likewise, which has also shaped our views of the Shoah.

Some may say we cannot do a similar appeal with abortion, but given that since the 1967 Act, over nine million beautiful souls never saw life, is a moment we need to stop and think, that even the starkness of what results from abortion may be needed to be shown in order to focus and gain some semblance of humanity again.

The next best thing is the YouTube video of the American Senate enquiry to Planned Parenthood (PP) on October 8 2015 and the witness of Dr Anthony Levantino, whose five minute spelling out of the procedure, had even members of PP in a state of shock! It is the most sobering five minutes that I have ever witnessed.

Thankfully the doctor has given up this practice and became a Catholic. His total abortions amounted to 1,200.

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The consoling thing is that the pro life cause now vilified by the godless woke agenda, will be on the right side of history.

Father John McCallion Coalisland, Co Tyrone

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