The churches should not be encouraging anyone to receive any kind of vaccination

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Richard Dollingstown:

In response to Lyle Cubitt (‘It is time for Stormont to require people in Northern Ireland to get double vaccinated,’ September 17) could I make the following points:

1. Under no circumstances should churches be encouraging anyone to receive any kind of vaccination, least of all those that have been developed and tested in such a highly unethical manner as to make use of aborted cells. Loving one’s neighbour does not involve exploiting the killing of the unborn for any reason.

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Let us do evil in the hope that good may come is not a biblical principle.

2. Churches should rather be preaching the old Protestant and reformed doctrines such as the absolute sovereignty of God, that He has ordained and appointed all things that come to pass in this world including the time and manner of our death. Men can take whatever precautions, whatever medication they please but ultimately all will die at the time and in the manner that God has appointed.

The main question that all need to answer is am I ready to meet God? ‘And as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgement’ (Hebrews 9:27).

3. A government programme of forced vaccination is in essence the old socialist ideal of stripping away personal responsibility, denying individual liberty and making citizens little more than pawns of the state to be used and abused according to the dictates of the tyrannical elite. If we let the government decide what medication we take it will not be long before body and mind are the slaves of that same government.

Richard Ferguson, Dollingstown

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