The choice is to be popular or be right

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I read with interest your report of the LGBTQIA+ gathering on Facebook where all of our main parties were represented by top figures

(DUP deputy’s entire remarks to LGBTQIA+ gathering, July 2).

The main part of the topic was based on gender issues, and what caught my attention was cross party interest for pushing LGBTQ+ education to be mandatory for schools.

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The need to “bake equality and inclusion into the curriculum”, so that it cannot be optional for schools, was also mentioned.

As a believer of traditional values, I was dismayed by these views, and that all of our main political parties are preparing to push such subjects through our education system.

It reminds me of the Biblical quotation, where all of our politicians are taking the broad road, because of popularity and votes, rather than the narrow road that leads to life.

Already in Scotland, the Scottish Justice Committee has proposed a hate crime bill making gender identity a “protected characteristic” with the intention of banning criticism of transgender ideology, with a possible two-year prison sentence for offenders.

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The Bible does say that in the last days people will be lovers of themselves and Christ warned that you will be hated by all nations because of me.

We are living in interesting times where Biblical signs are beginning to appear.

Did we ever think that we would see the armies of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, as mentioned in Ezekiel 38, sitting on Israel’s borders in Syria?

Dominic Cummings let slip in one of his statements about the dangers of a coronal mass ejection (CME), where the sun shoots out extremely hot gas into space. Apparently during July 2012 a massive CME ejected from the sun and crossed the Earth’s orbital path, missing us by only one week. Could this be what burns one third of the earth as mentioned in Revelation?

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Jesus tells us to look out for signs on Earth and heaven, but not to be alarmed because these things must happen before his return, and for us to pray that we are worthy enough to escape the worst to come.

Stanley Kerr, Dungannon

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