That Stormont extended lockdown independent of Westminster is a sign of confidence, not weakness

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I usually agree with the News Letter and admire Ben Lowry’s analysis but the editorial on Thursday (April 16) takes the wrong approach to the Covid-19 crisis.

Unionism is not simply about repeating what is done in the rest of the UK, or about choosing to be different from the Irish republic.

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If Stormont is to have any value at all it will be by taking decisions that take account of our local circumstances in our best interests.

By accident of geography we are separated by sea from the rest of the UK and we are joined by land to the Irish Republic; good government will require that our response to Covid-19 will be influenced by both jurisdictions.

That Stormont has made a decision about extending the lockdown independent of Westminster is a sign of confidence, not weakness.

Remember that our local conditions are not the same as London and when it comes to reopening schools the same will apply – note that our school terms are not the same as in England.

Arnold Carton, Belfast BT6