Thanks to staff at Pinewood Residential home

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Maurice and Hazel Allen:

We would like to express our tremendous gratitude to the staff at Pinewood Residential Home in Ballymena for the kindness and quality of care shown to our beloved aunt.

When Jean, aged 93, fell and broke a leg during lockdown we feared for the worst but she received surgery at Altnagelvin within days and was and sent to Pinewood to convalesce.

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Despite the Covid restrictions we were able to visit once and week and could see she was safe and well cared for by professional people.

Last week Jean was able to go home for Christmas to Upperlands in Co Londonderry. She sums up her time at Pinewood in just one word ‘brilliant.’

Maurice Neill and Hazel Allen, Bangor

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