Thanks to menial workers who are more important now than high fliers

Public transport drivers are, like delivery drivers, cleaners, police officers, store workers and a host of others, doing essential work at this time, keeping society functioningPublic transport drivers are, like delivery drivers, cleaners, police officers, store workers and a host of others, doing essential work at this time, keeping society functioning
Public transport drivers are, like delivery drivers, cleaners, police officers, store workers and a host of others, doing essential work at this time, keeping society functioning
How true it is that we owe such a gratitude to our NHS staff and all those who are in the forefront of the fight against this awful virus (‘We pay tribute to vital farm and factory workers,’ March 28).

We also, as Mr Poots and Mrs Dodds say (click here to read their comments), owe a debt to the workers who are keeping food supplies going like delivery drivers to our shops, those who deliver to the vulnerable, those who pack the shelves and serve at the tills, so we can have food supplies.

There are other workers as well who are classed as essential, like cleaners, some people in public transport, police and others whom I have not mentioned.

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If there are jobs that are still being done that are not essential, where people have to travel or businesses are not applying the safety rules, they should be stopped immediately!

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

It is good that many are able to work from home, but for many this is not possible. If ever we see the importance of what some people would class as menial tasks, it is now.

Their jobs are more important than many high fliers. I do hope that we all appreciate many of the people’s sacrifices including the firms they work for and that we all give them the respect they deserve. I pray that this pandemic will soon pass and we can get back to a bit of normality.

I believe when that day comes, that world leaders need to have a good look at what man is doing to God’s creation! We all must stop exploiting the world and its creatures for wealth and futile reasons.

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We must take our responsibility that God gave us to look after the earth and all its creatures. We must think of those coming after us who will be picking up the mess we leave behind before it is too late.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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