Survey of people in the Republic shows there never will be a ‘New Ireland’

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Frank McClintock:

In relation to the recent survey of people in the Republic of Ireland , reluctance to pay additional taxes showed support for a united Ireland drop to 40% (‘Poll shows majority in Republic unwilling to make Irish unity more palatable to unionists,’ Nov 29, see link below).

In addition, the majority are opposed to any change to the flag, anthem or constitution and will not re-join the Commonwealth in the event of re-unification. No real change there from the attitudes and views of 40 or 50 years ago.

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In other words, despite the waffle being spouted by nationalists, there is and never will be any ‘New Ireland’ on offer to unionists and non-nationalists — rather the old anti-British and anti-unionist model as before which non nationalists would have to swallow whole.

The Irish political establishment has also become much more hostile to the UK since Brexit.

Brit and unionist bashing is a popular sport, even seasoned and previously reasonable figures such as Bertie Ahern are joining in the fun (Henry McDonald, Nov 29, see link below).

Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney are major contributors to this attitude and approach.

Frank McClintock, Belfast BT4

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