Sinn Féin keeps giving succour to terror with legacy remarks or commemorations

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Maurice Fitzgerald:

The BBC/Red Lines glib remarks of Michelle O’ Neill in justifying terrorism in the past as having “no alternative” have rightly drawn criticism and could end her career. Sinn Féin keeps giving succour to terror with legacy remarks or commemorations.

Many people in the Republic were furious about SF/IRA during the Troubles doing it in our name and are still angry when Sinn Féin writes tailored history for the Republic.

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Michelle O’Neill takes the high moral ground on a range of issues, but not it seems on SF-IRA violence. There also seems to be enduring pride in Sinn Féin regarding their military wing. A duty of honour that SF feel they owe them for their murderous contribution, which makes people stop and think. Restorative justice and its victims barely get mention from Sinn Féin.

Much SF thinking is based on political justification and even where restorative justice mention is made, it can lack real empathy for innocent victims, snuffed out in a second in acts of supreme conceit. Sinn Féin re-hurt the living relatives of Troubles victims every time they honour those who should be condemned — but they cannot get their head around the inappropriateness of saluting the macabre.

SF can never be regarded as an ordinary political party as long as they abnormally see premeditated mass murder in a different light than the rest of us.

Maurice Fitzgerald, Shanbally, Co Cork

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