Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland will find themselves on the wrong side of history over hunting ban

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Michael Palmer:

Sinn Fein’s stance on hunting with dogs is confusing and nonsensical.

In December 2019, I wrote a letter to the News Letter in support of banning hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland, the only part of the United Kingdom without a ban on hunting with dogs. I commented that “unionism needs to be on the right side of progressive change on this issue”. Although I am disappointed to see that a bill proposing a ban on hunting with dogs was defeated in the Assembly recently, I am proud to see all UUP MLAs, some DUP MLAs and Claire Sugden had voted in favour of banning this cruel practice.

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I was surprised to see that Sinn Fein had voted against the bill, despite the party being opposed to this brutal practice in the Republic of Ireland, as confirmed by the Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald.

I have read the arguments of Sinn Fein who say there are some technical issues with the bill, though this didn’t stop the Alliance Party, UUP, SDLP, Green Party, People Before Profit, some DUP MLAs and Claire Sugden voting in favour of it. So I doubt Sinn Fein’s technical arguments hold much weight against such a wide spectrum of support.

Sinn Fein instead found itself voting against the bill alongside some DUP MLAs and the TUV. SF has received a lot of criticism for how it voted on the bill. I suspect Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland will find themselves on the wrong side of history on this issue. Their stance is certainly nonsensical.

Michael Palmer, UUP member, Newtownards

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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