RHI reminds me of Cash for Dwellings: the planning free for all in Northern Ireland at the expense of the countryside

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
The RHI report was released on Friday, but we have known for a while that the saga revealed incompetence and skulduggery in some politicians and civil servants.

This was taxpayers money being burned for to profit the well off.

As I go about the countryside and see the single dwellings erected, it reminds me of the free for all that took place in Northern Ireland at the expense of the countryside.

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No doubt there again people made lots of money through a weak planning system.

As they seek to work out a way of stopping the cash for ash scandal, I doubt if they have found the answer to stopping too many single dwellings in the countryside through PPS21.

I stand amazed as to how some people get planning permission!

John Mulholland, Doagh

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