Reading the News Letter is a joy, and has helped enrich my entire life

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Ian Eliott:

Around this time 60 years ago I started reading the News Letter with the help of my grandmother.

Reading your edition as usual today (Friday April 16) I realise the pure joy in enjoying the quality, range and relevance of everything that you cover, which has educated and enriched my entire life.

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Each week we are treated to fascinating historical and political observations, mingled with social memories plus a topical take on current issues.

I thought the coverage on Friday of the Blitz anniversary was so well done.

In particular the touching idea of listing everyone lost on that record April night, including a 21 year old girl called Betty Burleigh from the same South Fermanagh parish as me, who gave the ultimate sacrifice while volunteering in Belfast to help others.

Not forgotten.

Also to read a letter explaining our English language heritage back through the great Chaucer and the poems written about the Countess of Ulster (‘The duration of Chaucer link to Lady Ulster is unknown,’ April 16).

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Yes indeed there are advantages in being the oldest published daily in the British Isles, as all you have to do is check what the paper said about something over nearly three centuries since the original Joy family days.

I just felt I should say thank you, well done, keep it up and hope you have yet another good tip for this Year’s Derby!

Ian Elliott. Belfast BT9

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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