Questions that Sinn Fein should answer about its policies for a new Ireland

Clarity sought from Sinn Fein, who could be be in government in a so-called New IrelandClarity sought from Sinn Fein, who could be be in government in a so-called New Ireland
Clarity sought from Sinn Fein, who could be be in government in a so-called New Ireland
A letter from Colin ReidL

As a realist I believe that a united Ireland is possible in the near future and that Sinn Fein will be in government in any so-called New Ireland.

Perhaps Sinn Fein can answer the following and provide a detailed policy document:

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Will Sinn Fein produce a bill of rights to completely prevent discrimination in all its forms to protect the non nationalist people of the New Ireland in housing, employment, education, religion, language and culture?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Will Sinn Fein support full integrated education and remove the current sectarian education system in the Irish republic and remove all direct funding for all religious organisations over a set time period?

Will Sinn Fein prevent the IRA from committing genocide against the non nationalist people in the event of a united Ireland?

If the above peaceful requirements are not implemented, then Ireland is in for a cold dark future.

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Colin Reid, Melbourne, Australia (born in Portadown, left in 1977)

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