Protestant church leaders did not want to contradict Archbishop Eamon Martin

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Robin Bury:

Well done Ben Lowry on his article on the Armagh ceremony (‘Centenary service should have celebrated Northern Ireland, ’ October 23, see link below).

My feeling is that it should not have been held as it was going to cause controversy and as he wrote, gave an opportunity to Archbishop Eamon Martin to moan about partition.

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As Ben mentioned the Protestant leaders who spoke did not contradict the archbishop. There was no mention of the Catholic nationalist state and its denial of human rights and the pain and suffering of the ex-unionist minority in the 26 counties, whose numbers fell from 10% in 1911 to 3% today.

The BBC also disgraceful in its coverage.

Robin Bury, Toronto, Canada

• Other reactions to the lack of centenary events below, and beneath that information on how to subscribe to the News Letter

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