Perhaps DUP could provide clarity on their protocol policy

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Cliff Cardwell:

If it can be taken at face value, many unionists will welcome the DUP’s resolute opposition to the Northern Ireland protocol as expressed during Monday’s meeting with the secretary of state Brandon Lewis.

However with another election a real possibility, it would be helpful if the party could agree on a precise definition of its stance on the protocol. DUP MLA’s like Gary Middleton (BBC Nolan Show, May 9) have reiterated their previous requirement that the protocol has to go in all its parts before the party enters government. But, speaking after his discussions with Mr Lewis, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson could be read as having lowered the bar by requiring only ‘decisive action’ by Westminster to get him and his party on board.

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In this matter of crucial importance, perhaps the party could agree on its use of words so we all know who stands where.

Cliff Cardwell, Co Londonderry

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