Our mothers could make a meal out very little, as Sandra Chapman says

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I have to concur with Sandra Chapman, who last Saturday said about how our mothers were able to make a meal out of very little.

(Her article can be read here: ‘School meals during the holiday time not a good idea,’ October 31)

I certainly remember the stew, soup, soda bread, dumplings ... the chickens that ran about the yard and the milk straight from the churn.

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I do not think we were any less happy than children today even though people did not have a lot. We have a well-meaning footballer, whom I believe is worth around 60 million pounds, wanting the taxpayer to provide free meals for children in the UK.

While I would not be against this, would it not be an idea to take it out of benefits that parents receive for their children to make sure that the money is going towards where it should?

This way, children can be guaranteed to have a wholesome dinner each day rather than maybe a carry-out.

We, the parents, are the ones who bring children into the world, so it is our responsibility to provide for them where we can and ensure that others are not picking up the bill.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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