The Northern Ireland Protocol is worse even than the Anglo Irish Agreement betrayal

Garrett Fitzgerald and Margaret Thatcher sign Anglo Irish Agreement. It gave a country which had a hostile territorial claim over Northern Ireland, and which harboured terrorists, a formal role in NI. But the Protocol repeals the Act of Union and creates an economic united IrelandGarrett Fitzgerald and Margaret Thatcher sign Anglo Irish Agreement. It gave a country which had a hostile territorial claim over Northern Ireland, and which harboured terrorists, a formal role in NI. But the Protocol repeals the Act of Union and creates an economic united Ireland
Garrett Fitzgerald and Margaret Thatcher sign Anglo Irish Agreement. It gave a country which had a hostile territorial claim over Northern Ireland, and which harboured terrorists, a formal role in NI. But the Protocol repeals the Act of Union and creates an economic united Ireland
A letter from John Mulholland:

It is clear now that with the main unionist party fragmented that unionist people against the Northern Ireland Protocol are without clear leadership.

On the one hand, we have Arlene Foster talking about Edwin Poots implementing an Irish language act, which seems to me like sour grapes.

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On the other hand, we see old DUP wounds that seem to have never healed. The Paisley wing of the DUP has raised its head again.

One thing is for sure, a house divided cannot stand.

When we look to the Ulster Unionist Party we have a new leader who wants the DUP to compromise to keep devolution afloat; this could be at the expense of the Union.

Unionists cannot afford to allow career politicians, or well-off unionists who may gain financially from the protocol, to keep playing around with it.

Even if you do not agree with Jim Allister in all his political views, he seems the lone voice who is willing to take the proper action against its implementation in the assembly.

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The protocol is arguably the greatest ever betrayal by the British government of the unionist people — even greater than the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement!

That deal was bad enough, and gave a country which had a hostile territorial claim over Northern Ireland, and which harboured terrorists, a formal role in NI affairs. But the Protocol repeals the Act of Union, creates an internal economic barrier and means that another jurisdiction has control over NI trade policy — an economic united Ireland.

Why were we not told we were voting for a different Brexit? The deceit by those whom we thought were our friends on the mainland is very hard to take.

Not only have they done a Judas but many are like Pontius Pilate, washing their hands to say it is not their fault as they stand around and do nothing to bring Northern Ireland back in line with the rest of the UK.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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A message from the Editor:

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