Letter: We must be wary about handing over our freedoms to an inept government

24/4/2020: Carnmoney church grounds and graveyard in Co Antrim closed to the public because of the coronavirus restrictions24/4/2020: Carnmoney church grounds and graveyard in Co Antrim closed to the public because of the coronavirus restrictions
24/4/2020: Carnmoney church grounds and graveyard in Co Antrim closed to the public because of the coronavirus restrictions
Ground surrendered is rarely handed back.

While being mindful of public safety, and respecting authority, we must always be careful that power granted – even if it is claimed for the public good – is not abused. It could be added to, and lay down a marker for the future and we and our children could become its victims.

With that in mind we must always exercise the right to question.

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This virus is going to be with us for a long time, and without bartering our freedom we’re going to have to work out strategies to cope.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Make no mistake, this could turn out to be a battle for the soul of the nation: it could be our third world war!

In granting emergency powers to the government we should subject it to close scrutiny: we need to be vigilant. A temporary stay of our rights could become permanent, and signal surrender: and we’re enslaved!

We need to be careful we don’t succumb to a frenzy of mass hysteria that controls and defines us. We are way too casual and too indulgent in handing power to a government that in so many ways, and so many different areas, continues to abuse it.

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They have bungled the Brexit negotiations and left us open to the charge of breaking international law – those waves could still break on our shores. They sacrificed N Ireland on the altar of political expediency, and are trying to claw back from it (or are they?)

Their handling of the Covid crisis has been a shambles, and a mass of contradictions. And their feeble efforts in the face of illegal immigration continue to be exposed.

Overall, they seem to make policy on the hoof. Their indiscretions are endless.

At a very crucial and very critical time in our history we are being ill-served by an inexperienced government of limited ability that doesn’t inspire confidence and trust. Even more frightening, they are not taking power: we are gifting it!

Clive Maxwell, Bleary, Co Down

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