Letter: Taking a stand against secretary of state's attack on Biblical family values after his move on sex education in schools

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from David Causby:

Like many Bible-believing Christians, I was both grieved and angry, I trust righteously so, upon hearing of the intention of the secretary of state for Northern Ireland to introduce the radical LGBTQIA+ agenda into sex education lessons in schools.

I was further disturbed to hear that this curriculum would be compulsory for all schools and that there would be no right of refusal for pupils or their parents, such as there is for religious education classes.

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This move by the secretary of state is a further step on the road to sexualising our children.

The LGBTQIA+ activist group that support and encourage this action have a particular worldview – a philosophy for life that excludes the Biblical morality that has stood firm for many generations, and that ignores scientifically-proven facts regarding biological sex.

This worldview is as much a religious belief as any other recognised religion, since it is based on the belief either that there is no God, or that God approves or is neutral on the issue of sexuality and gender identity. This is a form of idolatry, creating a God of their own imagination that does not correspond to the God of the Bible. The LGBTQIA+ lobby may accuse us of seeking to impose religion on schools, but that would be religious hypocrisy on their part.

As a parent of three girls, two of which are still in secondary education, it troubles me to think that this agenda is being imposed on schools and students against the wishes and beliefs of both students and their parents.

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As a Bible-believing Christian and a pastor, I am convicted that the Bible is the only true and reliable standard for measuring morality and righteousness. My faith is not something to be switched on and off for the sake of convenience, but rather to be lived by every day.

I am sending letters to the principals of the schools my daughters attend informing them that I have advised my daughters to quietly walk out of the classroom and go to sit in a safe place in the school. I will also be recommending other parents to send this letter themselves and to take a stand against the indoctrination and sexualisation of our children.

I respect the fact that schools are not given any flexibility regarding this curriculum, and that many principals are just as concerned, some of them being Christians with school-age children, as I am. This action is not to make life difficult for staff, but to send a loud message to the secretary of state.

This is a line in the sand that should not be crossed. I hope that many Christian parents will stand boldly against this attack on morality and Biblical family values.

David Causby, pastor, Ballyclare Baptist Church

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