Letter: Strong and decisive true unionist leadership is needed against the Northern Ireland Protocol

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Evan J Johns:

I felt that I should write a letter supporting the DUP and TUV's current stance in remaining out of Stormont until the illegal and undemocratic EU protocol is fully removed, no ifs or buts.

The majority of Northern Ireland citizens wish for a stable and efficient government at Stormont to deliver for all, however the unionist community must be listened too and their views recognised.

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Indeed the unionist community is united in regards to the protocol been scrapped, however I'm not fully sure regarding the current leader of the once mighty Ulster Unionist Party.

The Good Friday agreement has been made null and void, as it lacks cross community support also the Act of Union has been breached.

The three EU border posts here in Northern Ireland signify an internal border within our United Kingdom. On the 31st of January, the United Kingdom should have all been celebrating three years of independence from the EU, post the UK wide referendum. However in February 2023 we in Northern Ireland continue to be under the control of EU laws and regulations ,with no representation in the EU, also cut off from the rest of our fellow British citizens in Great Britain.

As a proud Ulster British man who proudly served in Her Majesty's Forces I and my family expect and demand continued strong decisive leadership and representation from the true unionist leadership as mentioned above despite the coalition of EU/Eire/USA elements and irish nationalism. Unity is our strength.

Evan J Johns, Waringstown