Letter: If the DUP refuse to return to Stormont then the secretary of state should call an election immediately and let the people decide

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Raymond McCord:

With the new protocol deal it seems as if Northern Ireland has benefited more than any region in the UK.

Hopefully Stormont will be doing the job politicians were elected to do, govern. I have no doubt that there are those in the DUP will reject it as nothing will please them as has been shown already. However the one good thing over the DUP walking out of Stormont is the country has now got a better deal with the EU bearing in mind Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU. Now they must go back into government. I certainly do not want direct rule from London who signed the original protocol deal then refused to abide by it.

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The DUP have a choice of thinking about our country and its people or thinking solely about themselves. If they refuse to return to Stormont then the secretary of state should call an election immediately and let the people decide. Jim Allister's TUV have one seat because the electorate spoke and decided that’s all they deserve. Linking up with unelected individuals who are afraid to stand in elections and engaging in one defeat after another in the courts both here and London portrays the TUV.

Our country needs a working government that puts its people first not the mindset of those who live in the 1960s.

Equality means accepting people have different opinions and aspire to work with each other not throwing the toys out of the pram. People first not themselves .

Raymond McCord, North Belfast