Letter: How can we move on from Troubles when SF reminds us so often?

A republican terror muralA republican terror mural
A republican terror mural
On Monday, a broadcast was released on social media called: “A celebration of the life of volunteer Seamus McElwain”.

The broadcast had been recorded earlier this month and Sinn Fein TD Matt McCarthy was the keynote speaker in the broadcast virtual commemoration.

Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Arlene Foster claimed in 2015 that McElwain was the gunman who attempted to murder her father, who was a policeman, in 1979 at their family farm in Roslea.

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McElwain, a member of south Fermanagh’s IRA Brigade, is also believed to have been involved in the murder of 10 Protestants and attempts on many others in border areas.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

In his eulogy, Mc Carthy said: “Seamus and all of those who fought for Irish freedom continue to inspire us.”

Matt McCarthy is the third Sinn Fein TD in the last 14 months to glorify the IRA’s terrorist campaign which was responsible for over half of all victims in the Northern Ireland “Troubles”.

How is it possible to put Sinn Fein and the IRA’s past behind us, particularly when their TDs not only remind us of it but continue to glorify and justify it? Additionally, it makes nonsense of their stated objective to unite the people of Ireland when they engage in this divisive rhetoric which serves only to exacerbate existing divisions.

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John Cushnahan, Former Leader of Alliance Party and ex-Fine Gael MEP

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