Letter: DUP has finally woken up to Sinn Fein's revisionism of the Troubles, but low key statements fall short of what is required to tackle republicans on the issue

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from John Ross:

It would appear from recent statements that the DUP have belatedly woken up to the dangers and realities of Sinn Fein’s long-running, rewriting of history.

Whilst the DUP have issued statements through Sir Jeffrey Donaldson and Gavin Robinson, there is nothing in their statements (sent to party members and supporters) to say how they are going to effectively challenge the effective SF revisionism.

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Controlling, or in the case of SF, dominating the narrative of the past is allowing them to influence the generations of today, and thus shape the future, which they are doing well.

Whilst we all crave a successful and prosperous future for all in NI, that can never happen through the acceptance of a fabricated past.

I am reminded of the 1984 George Orwell quote: “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”

The failure by mainstream political unionism, since 1998, to challenge through truth the republican rewriting of history has effectively aided and abetted them, with recent low key statements falling far short of what is required.

John Ross, Belfast BT6