Kyle Paisley: Stormont was part of the hope for better days for Northern Ireland, now it votes to destroy the unborn

This week the assembly rolled over on abortion for its absentee landlord, the secretary of stateThis week the assembly rolled over on abortion for its absentee landlord, the secretary of state
This week the assembly rolled over on abortion for its absentee landlord, the secretary of state
A letter from Rev Kyle Paisley:

With regard to Wednesday’s vote in the Northern Ireland Assembly which narrowly rejected a bid to stop abortions on the grounds of disability:

After three decades of civil conflict, Northern Ireland emerged to better days and hope for the future.

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Was it only that her public representatives could vote in favour for the destruction of the most vulnerable, the unborn?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Not that long ago, the Secretary of State, Brandon Lewis, was ready to impose from Westminster over a democratic vote in the Northern Ireland Assembly on this very issue.

This week the assembly rolled over for this absentee landlord.

Democracy is cheap. But it seems the life of the innocents is cheaper.

Kyle Paisley (Rev), Suffolk

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A message from the Editor:

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