It is time that the DUP showed it is willing to put up a political fight

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Cliff Cardwell:

Sadly I have to agree with Harry Patterson (‘Many of us believe the DUP never intended to collapse Stormont,’ November 24, see link below) regarding the DUP’s pussyfooting around at a time when the Union is under unprecedented threat.

“We have been quite clear” is trotted out every time Sir Jeffrey’s latest fuzzy deadline appears to have passed.

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The DUP needs to show more respect for the intellect of those whose votes they will be targeting in the coming months.

They seem think that each U-turn either goes unnoticed or doesn’t equate to yet another betrayal of unionists.

Those who voted DUP in the past did not do so to have a regional government in which the largest unionist party makes a few noises after each step forward by republicans, only to join them again at the executive table as though nothing had happened.

It is high time Sir Jeffrey demonstrated that his MLAs are prepared to put up a political fight for democracy in Northern Ireland, even if it costs them their jobs.

Cliff Cardwell, Co Londonderry

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