It is time for Stormont to require people in Northern Ireland to get double vaccinated

People who have had the injection can still be infected but at least they have taken all basic precautionsPeople who have had the injection can still be infected but at least they have taken all basic precautions
People who have had the injection can still be infected but at least they have taken all basic precautions
A letter form Lyle Cubitt:

Surely it is time for the Stormont Executive to show a bit of courage and introduce legislation to require all citizens to have the double jab against the virus with the exception for those with an underlying medical condition.

At present those people who refuse should be downgraded for hospital treatment if they get the infection and furthermore employers should be entitled to dismiss employees who refuse this reasonable action.

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It is accepted that people who have had the injection can still be infected but at least they have taken all basic precautions. The statistics show that vast majority who die are those who have had no jab. If the second commandment is Love your neighbour does refusal to take the jab shows a lack of concern for ones neighbour? Should the churches not be encouraging their members to attend for this inoculation?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Lyle Cubitt, Ballymena

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