David Montgomery’s plan is naive to say least, because it would be a disaster to give SF input into protocol

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from John Mulholland:

David Montgomery writing in the News Letter on Thursday (Put NI politicians at heart of the talks to resolve the dispute over the protocol, Oct 28, see link below), about allowing Northern Ireland politicians to be part of the discussions on the future of the protocol is, to say the least, naive.

With unionists in the minority in Stormont, it would be a disaster for the Union to allow people like Sinn Fein/IRA, who support the EU for political reasons, to have an input into the protocol.

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I do not know Mr Montgomery but he needs to realise that we voted democratically in the UK to leave the EU and the result should be the same for us all. Unionists did not call for the border. Nationalists cried foul and even threatened republican violence to get their way.

We have enough middle of the road unionists when it comes to the threat to our place in the UK.

Glad to read that Sir Jeffrey Donaldson means what he said that if the protocol does not go then Stormont goes. We can’t continue in this one-sided peace process with the UK government threatening legislation for an Irish language act under the deception of a cultural package! This was shortsighted for the DUP to agree.

The Belfast Agreement and the Act of Union have been trashed. Many unionist people believed it to guarantee our place in the UK as long as the majority wanted it.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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