Congratulations to the Orange Order for a wonderful day

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Walter Millar:

The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland has to congratulated for the manner in which they celebrated the centenary of Northern Ireland with the massive parade in Belfast on Saturday.

This was one of the largest parades ever with members of the Orange Institution and the 130 odd bands on parade and while a large crowd of spectators was expected no one could have envisaged the numbers that turned out to watch this parade which took nearly three hours to complete.

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The only crowd of people that could have compared to this would have been the City Hall Rally in 1985 in opposition to the Anglo / Irish Agreement.

If Congressman Richard Neal and his delegation of not neutral but Irish Americans had taken the time to witness such a parade then perhaps they would have a better understanding of our true Ulster British heritage and why we will never consider ourselves to be anything other than Ulster British citizens .

As expected the shambles that called itself a government at Stormont couldn’t have the Union flags flown at Stormont Buildings to mark the centenary but they will have no problem accepting the financial aid which keeps the Stormont assembly functioning.

Again many congratulations to the Orange Order for such a wonderful day.

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To Richard Neal and his united Irishmen: go back to the United States and take a history lesson and you will find it was the Ulster Scots who founded your great country not the Irish.

Walter Millar, Cookstown