Any inquiry into Pat Finucane should examine all the claims as to him having republican links

Pat Finucane, who was murdered by loyalists in 1989Pat Finucane, who was murdered by loyalists in 1989
Pat Finucane, who was murdered by loyalists in 1989
A letter on December 2 from Lyle Cubitt, a retired solicitor:

The call for an inquiry into the death of Pat Finucane seems to me to neglect a major part of his life.

If there is going to be a public inquiry into such an important individual, it surely merits a full investigations into various allegations as to his republican links.

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Ruth Dudley Edwards cited some of these (‘Millions more on Finucane would be insult to all victims,’ December 1), including the views of a former RUC chief constable, which must carry significant weight.

An inquiry would also have to look into activities of those of his brothers who were convicted of terrorist activities.

What would be wrong with disclosure of any intelligence reports in respect of him and them?

I was often working in the High Court doing criminal and civil around the time Pat Finucane was murdered.

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It was common knowledge that the then lord chief justice, the late Brian Hutton, wanted to attend the funeral, which would have meant attending with his police bodyguards, but was advised by a senior figure in the legal profession (now deceased), who was familiar with west Belfast, that this would be unsafe due to the large number of republicans who would be present.

Any inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane needs to examine all such claims.

Lyle Cubitt, Retired solicitor, Ballymena

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