Allister, Bryson, Habib, Hoey: The DUP leadership change should have been a time to break with the deception that the Irish Sea border was removed by Donaldson Deal

'We stood on platforms with DUP members protesting against the border': In 2022,  Jim Allister, Baroness Kate Hoey, Ben Habib and Jamie Bryson with the then DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson at an anti-protocol rally in Bangor'We stood on platforms with DUP members protesting against the border': In 2022,  Jim Allister, Baroness Kate Hoey, Ben Habib and Jamie Bryson with the then DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson at an anti-protocol rally in Bangor
'We stood on platforms with DUP members protesting against the border': In 2022, Jim Allister, Baroness Kate Hoey, Ben Habib and Jamie Bryson with the then DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson at an anti-protocol rally in Bangor
A letter from Jim Allister, Jamie Bryson, Ben Habib, Kate Hoey:

It has been and remains our position that the claims made about the Donaldson Deal, Safeguarding the Union, are false.

This conclusion is borne out by advices of NI’s former Attorney General and constitutional law expert, John Larkin KC. We have published his opinion. It is noteworthy that the DUP has not presented any legal arguments to the contrary.

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We have nevertheless been derided by members of the DUP, media and the NIO.

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

The failings of that deal have become even clearer as it has been implemented.

The Irish Sea border remains and is more deeply embedded. It is given false legitimacy by the DUP’s endorsement.

The red and green lanes also remain, the latter now carrying the name it was originally given in the Windsor Framework.

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A trader must still apply, and meet exacting conditions, to access the green lane. EU law continues to reign supreme, its tentacles stretching into every aspect of daily life including immigration, human rights, legacy and state aid.

Does the new DUP leader and members of his party continue to support the deal?

Party members in particular cannot have it both ways. It is duplicitous to rail against the deal, yet allow the new leadership to stick with it.

We stood on platforms with DUP members campaigning against the Irish Sea border. We have remained true to that end and the core demand of equal citizenship across the British isles.

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It is the DUP that has abandoned it, shattering the foundation upon which unity of purpose stood.

There can be no honest disagreement or point of unity between the truth and a lie. In equal terms, there can be no point of unity between pretending the Irish Sea border is gone and continuing to fight against it.

The change in DUP leadership should have been a time to take stock and break with the deception that the Irish Sea border had been removed by the Donaldson Deal.

It is irreconcilable that those who identify as unionist would either by their silence or active participation collude in the implementation of arrangements which dismantle the Union.

We call on the DUP and its executive to discover their moral compass, tell the truth and act on it.

Jim Allister KC, Jamie Bryson, Ben Habib, Baroness Hoey