Abortion is not about human rights — the heart of a foetus begins to beat four weeks after conception

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Gordon McNeill:

Your article in yesterday’s issue (‘Catholic bishops decry MLAs’ refusal to ban abortions for non-fatal disabilities,’ December 22, see link below) confirming that the Catholic bishops had issued a statement denouncing the assembly for failing to prevent the introduction of abortion up to birth for babies found to have a non-life threatening disability raises a very important issue.

The article quotes a ‘pro-choice’ activist Goretti Horgan stating “human rights only begin at birth”. She goes on to say “the international human rights treaties that (sic) protect the rights of children and of persons (?) with disabilities are clear that human rights begin at birth”.

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She will be aware, no doubt, that human life begins at conception. The heart of a tiny foetus begins to beat at four weeks after conception. Abortion is not about human rights, it is about human life. It is about the terminating of a human life, a life with no means to protect itself.

Someone has to take steps to protect that developing life and our assembly failed, disgustingly, to protect those vulnerable infants.

Looking at the published list of those who took part, there is no surprise at many who voted to remove any rights to life that the infant has. But some were a surprise, and one hopes they will live to regret their decision.

I can only conclude that it isn’t the disabled child in the womb who is imperfect!

Gordon McNeill, Portadown

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