If you want to succeed Shamima, then you should join Sinn Fein

The so-called Jihadi bride, Shamima Begum, who travelled to Syria in 2015 to support Isis. Photo: Metropolitan Police/PA WireThe so-called Jihadi bride, Shamima Begum, who travelled to Syria in 2015 to support Isis. Photo: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
The so-called Jihadi bride, Shamima Begum, who travelled to Syria in 2015 to support Isis. Photo: Metropolitan Police/PA Wire
If Shamima Begum wants a quick end to her predicament she should urgently hire a lawyer from one of Northern Ireland’s wealthy law firms.

She must ask them to visit her in her detention camp and bring with them an application form for her to join Sinn Fein.

Once her application is accepted then as a Sinn Fein member Mary Lou McDonald could demand that she is given asylum in Ireland.

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Once here she can then stand as a SF candidate in the next available election, be it North or South.

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Letter to the editor

Her terrorist-supporting credentials will guarantee her electoral success.

With a fair wind behind she will end up as the first Muslim Sinn Fein councillor, then he first Muslim Sinn Fein TD or MLA or MP.

She could even take over from Martina Anderson MEP, the convicted former bomber, as Sinn Fein’s poster girl in the EU Parliament.

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So Shamima there is way out for you, one that is tried and tested by our very own convicted terrorists here in NI.

You will feel right at home with them.

Who knows Sinn Fein, with help from lawyers, could actually blame the RUC Special Branch for your plight, citing evidence of collusion with Isis and get you huge sums of money in compensation.

Tom Nash, Lisburn