Ian Paisley Jr: Remainers must accept Brexit result

The people have made their decisionThe people have made their decision
The people have made their decision
I urge those who voted Remain in the referendum to accept the decision of the majority.

The most important thing is for everyone to come together and support the governments in both Westminster and Stormont as the UK negotiates its exit from Europe.

Of course I understand that a large proportion of the population are disappointed, but we always knew this would be a close referendum, and the people were given a democratic choice and they’ve made their decision.

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Not everyone agreed with it, but it is the reality and it is what the majority of those across the UK voted for.

In 1998, a referendum was held for the Good Friday Agreement, and for those of us who did not support the outcome, we were left disappointed. However we had the good grace to accept the democratic decision taken by the people of Northern Ireland and we moved on. I would urge remainers to do the same.

Some of the suggestions I have heard are simply ludicrous, you cannot offer the people of the United Kingdom a choice but then over-rule that or opt for a second referendum, despite having a clear majority because those who shout the loudest are unhappy.

The government will of course take the views of remainers into consideration and I am confident that many of their deepest concerns will be addressed and many will remain almost unchanged, regardless of our position outside the EU.

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I hope that the democratic decision will be accepted and we can move forward, together and united by one common goal; achieving what is best for Northern Ireland and the wider United Kingdom.

Ian Paisley Junior, DUP MP, North Antrim